Cycling our back roads is a great way to get to know Louisiana. You'll taste our famous food, hear our music and meet our people. In short, you'll experience everything that makes Louisiana a unique and fascinating place. Our relatively flat landscapes and mild climate make cycling a year-round activity here.
Safe Biking Tips
- Use of bicycles on any Louisiana interstate is prohibited.
- Always wear your helmet. Be sure it covers your forehead and fits properly.
- Ride on the right. Always ride with the flow of traffic.
- Look and signal before turning. It is now legal to signal a right turn with your right arm.
- The weather in Louisiana can be hot and humid, so drink your fluids. Keep your water bottle filled and, if possible, carry an extra bottle of water.
- Ride single file.
- If you stop, get completely off the road.
- Don't follow too closely. Most accidents on rides occur when cyclists run into other cyclists. Keep at least one bike length between riders.
- Obey all traffic laws. Stop at stop signs and lights and obey one-way streets.
- Ride defensively. Always be aware of other riders, vehicles and pedestrians. Never assume you know what they are going to do.
- Do not ride before daylight or after dusk unless you have proper lights on your bike.
- Use hand signals to warn other cyclists and vehicles of your intentions. Arm straight out for left turn, arm straight up for right turn and arm straight down for stop. Also, warn cyclists if you are passing left.
- Ride in a predictable manner. Ride in a straight line. Don't swerve between parked cars.
- Take great care with left hand turns. If necessary, get off the road and then make your turn when you are sure its all clear.
- Wave and smile at all vehicles. The natives are friendly. We want to keep them that way.
Biking Trails
Biking Clubs and Organizations
- Bike Louisiana - Statewide
- Baton Rouge Area Mountain Bike Association - Baton Rouge, LA
- Baton Rouge Bike Club - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Bike Lafayette - Lafayette, LA
- BMX Raceway and Cycling at the Velodrome at BREC's Perkins Road Community Park - Baton Rouge, LA
- Cajun Cyclists - Lafayette Area Bicycle Racing Club
- LA DOTD Highway Safety Section - Baton Rouge, LA
- Mountain Bike Acadiana - Lafayette, LA
- T.R.A.I.L. - Transportation Recreation Alternatives in LA - Lafayette, LA
Bike Resources, Rentals, Sales & Services
- Bike Louisiana - Statewide list of biking trails
- Front Yard Bikes - Baton Rouge, LA