Louisiana French
Louisiana French is a rich tapestry of the French language spoken in the 18th Century by Acadian and French immigrants as well as the French and African Creoles who came to Louisiana from the West Indies. Add some Spanish, a few words from the local Native American tribes, a little African vocabulary and some English, and the result is the Louisiana French that is spoken by the majority of Francophones in this state. As with all living languages that continue to evolve, the accent and expressions of Louisiana French are unique.
Kouri-Vini, also known as Louisiana Creole, is the critically endangered Creole language native to Louisiana. It formed among enslaved communities during the French colonial period in the early 18th century. In certain regions it became the lingua franca (common language), spoken by enslaved and free peoples across racial lines. Kouri-Vini is experiencing revitalization initiated by members of the Louisiana Creole community, some of whom began their work almost twenty years ago. Currently, there are more heritage language (re)learners studying Kouri-Vini than before World War I. For more information and resources in Kouri-Vini, please visit Chinbo, Inc. at www.chinbo.org.
Download Our Louisiana Language Coloring Sheets
Scroll down for links to French classes, French events and businesses that serve their customers in French!
French Immersion Excursions
The purpose of a French Immersion Excursion (FIE) is to connect Louisiana French speakers with one another, and promote local tradition and culture through events such as walking tours of historical sites, paddling tours, music workshops, or other events of the organizer’s choosing.
If you are interested in organizing an FIE, we can connect you with a French-speaking guide who possesses knowledge related to the given area of interest.
How do you Say...?
La cuisine
black-eyed peas ~ des fêves aux coeurs noirs
catfish ~ une barbue
coffee pot ~ une grègue
crab ~ une crabe
eggplant ~ une brème
grits ~ du gru
gumbo ~ un gombo
okra ~ du gombo, du févi
pecan ~ une pacane
popcorn ~ du tac-tac
pot ~ une chaudière
pumpkin ~ un giraumont
shrimp ~ une chevrette
sweet potato ~ une patate douce
Quelques mots
automobile ~ un char
Cajun ~ cadien, cadienne
dollar ~ une piastre
heavy downpour ~ une avalasse
here ~ icitte
now ~ asteur
photograph ~ un portrait
porch ~ une galerie
ready ~ paré
smoke ~ la boucane
zydeco ~ zarico
bald cypress ~ un cipre
cypress swamp ~ une ciprière
Louisiana iris ~ une glaie bleue
marsh ~ un ma”che
water lily ~ une pagogie
Les animaux
alligator ~ un cocodrie
ant ~ une fromille
bass ~ une perche
bullfrog ~ un ouaouaron
mockingbird ~ un moqueur
mosquito ~ un maringouin
raccoon ~ un chaoui
wild rabbit ~ un lapin farouche
Des verbes
to close ~ frêmer
to hear ~ attendre
to hope ~ souhaiter
to rain ~ mouiller
to think ~ jongler
to wait ~ espérer
Businesses That offer Services in French:
CODOFIL is developing a new program that seeks to provide information on businesses that offer Services in French. Please visit the website here to see how to help!